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Connected Fidelity


Michael Osborn, designer, engineer, manufacturer, and lifelong music lover, has been working in the Hi-Fi industry for over 30 years. He initially designed and launched the Astin Trew brand audio electronics ranges, then moved into audio products Distribution, introducing brands such as Astell n Kern and Hana cartridges to the UK during his long and successful career in the audio industry.


As an inveterate designer and maker, Michael has throughout his career continued to design and develop products for his own use when nothing in the market fitted his sense of what makes music in the home sound so good and ended up selling these products to fellow audiophiles in an ad-hoc way mostly through word of mouth.

These products are now marketed through connected-fidelity to world markets. He has also helped fellow audiophiles develop products they were working on and will be launching some of these through connected-fidelity™ when they fulfil a need in the market and pass the connected-fidelity™ sound-quality seal of approval.

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