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Dutch & Dutch

Dutch & Dutch


Completely accurate music reproduction requires more than a thoroughly optimized speaker. It requires a speaker that works together with the acoustics of the listening room.

Rethink The Loudspeaker

The 8c is more than just a loudspeaker. It is a unique acoustic concept, because its revolutionary design provides constant directivity from 100 Hz upwards. As a result, the 8c is above and beyond any other system in terms of neutrality, precision, and in-room tonal balance.

The 8c represents their commitment to accuracy and clarity. With its constant directivity from 100Hz upwards and +/-0.5dB frequency response from 35Hz upwards, music can now be experienced exactly as it was intended. Nothing is added, nothing left out.

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01892 532 995 Mon - Sat 9am - 5.30pm